Exhaustive review sponsored by the Pentagon finds NO link between Saddam, al Qaida

Dad's Dream-

You keep saying your initial post was a response to BullDawg. Well that's the non-sequitur part. Saying Saddam's "fate was sealed" and saying we "glossed over" his offenses.....I'm sure you're quite capable of scheming up some skewered angle where that is a simple response to BullDawg. Spin Away.
But any reasonable reader sees it as at least a partial denial of the obvious implication of the original post:

Which was: that the report is further evidence that the Administration lied to the American people to justify their little wargame.

. I'm not sure who it is, but another SR poster has a signature quote that says,
"If you can get them asking the wrong questions, then the answers don't matter."

So forgive us if we're not all that interested in your definitions. If there was a more balanced weight of evidence on both sides of the question, MAYBE they might hold some importance. But Bush didn't blur the line between Saddam and Al Qaeda, he erased it. So they durn well better have had operational status by ANY definition you want to use, if it's going to justify a war.

We as a country should insist on taking the high road and showing the utmost restraint when it comes to war. It might hurt some, and it definitely puts us at a tactical disadvantage. But it gives us the moral high ground, which is more important than any hill on any battlefield. If we lose that high ground, the rest of the battle is meaningless.