Yea, KM's MO is unlocking the players super power. I think we need to make a list of the player and their super power. Feel free to modify the below list. But what im seeing below is a balanced PA offense :
1) DC4 - experienced great pocket passer (non mobile) w/ a little ability to run a naked bootleg
2) Kamara / Clyde EE - great receiving RB's that can needs space (perfect for the screen play and less up the middle grinder)
3) Olave - great route running WR that depends on precision passes (can also run the WR screen)
4) Shaheed - strictly deep threat take the top off the defense type (can also run the WR screen)
5) Taysom - versatile (run / pass / block / catch) (Not elite at any, but good at everything)
6) Kendre M - between the tackles RB w/ decent reveiving ability (deceptive speed)
7) Juwan Johnson specialist receiving TE w/ an ability to block
8) Foster M solid all around TE (not elite in any trait but a good blocker / receiver / route runner / runner after the catch
9) Pettis / Austin - good route running WR's that depend on precision passes (can also run the WR screen)