James Webb Space Telescope

I don't really believe in afterlife but if there is I sure hope all this stuff is explained to me when I'm gone. I'd rather it be explained to me now but if I have to wait I guess I will. I've often thought that there's a chance that we're just a speck belonging to some other world. Like does an ant know they're an ant?
Absolutely! I mean, I'm not suicidal or anything, but the thought of living for eternity (or even another fifty years) with a flawed human-like brain/form seems like the very definition of hell to me. Luckily, I don't believe in an afterlife but the two cool things would be if you could have all of your questions answered, and if you could go back and see your life as it ACTUALLY happened, not as you think it did.

Sometimes in my sillier moments, I imagine a conversation with Jesus of Nazareth in which he says, "Yeah, it's amazing how close The Life of Brian was to how it actually happened!" :hihi: