I just can’t figure out why anyone falls for this. He is well known for making these cryptic tweets that end up having nothing to do with the Saints. Just another reason to not use any of the social media apps.
Here's a thought...if his tweets never have anything to do with the Saints. Who's to blame for hanging on thinking they have anything to do with the Saints?
Y'all are like the high school kid who thinks the girl he has a crush on is purposely not texting him to be mysterious or hard to get. When in reality, she's not thinking about him.
Is it hard to accept that he's not trolling Saints fans, he's just not thinking about them? Don't attribute to malice what could easily be explained by indifference. I can't imagine Kamara thinking about every post he sends going, "I want to announce my new endorsement but how is this going to make random Saints fans feel?"