Cam Jordan is returning to the Saints in 2025 [Saints & Cam agreed to pay cut, 10.3M savings]

So we are basically paying him 4.5M to stick around as the 3rd DE and if he gets some sacks then its 6.5M (8M if you count previous 1.5M guaranteed salary). That's about half his previous salary. I don't know why we don't walk away from aging players.

One of the greatest Saints of all-time, can still contribute, and is willing to do it at a fraction of the cost his signed for out of loyalty…sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes there are players you allow to play until they’re ready to hang it up.

Cam is one of the few players that have earned that right.

This is a different conversation if things were getting downright ugly with him and his performance, but it hasn’t.