Physical traits, speed, agility, explosiveness attributes of Top WRs (What's the formula?)

The one thing that I feel is so highly overrated that it's become a joke to me is 40 time.....the most important quality along with hands is quickness (not straight line speed) and upper body strength.....

Both of those enable the WR to get separation.....CGM was relatively quick for his size but his upper body strength (and sneakiness of his use of hands on the defender) was the primary reason he got open so often......

Contrast that with a WR like Olave, cat like quickness, most defenders don't even get their hands on him.....

Those that have some balance of both are typically HOF level WR's.....JJ is definitely one of those, as is Chase......Moss, Rice and Megatron probably were the best examples of having it all....