The problem is that the topic itself is political and the release of the documents is being used to play politics in the first place. You can't separate this topic from politics when all the links to Twitter about these documents in this thread are from people with political agendas.
If you want to talk about the Kennedy Assassination that can be done without talking politics, but the way this thread was framed it's just not going to be possible IMO. I mean we are three pages into the thread and there isn't a single post about any document that was in the release and very few even talking about the assassination itself. And that's because the thread was framed as "Trump is releasing the Kennedy Assassination documents" instead of just saying they were being released and commenting on things revealed in those documents.
And, in the end, the reason that's not being done is because there apparently isn't any new information at this point and there is no real point in talking about this, other than for political purposes, until or unless new information is found. Which leads to the conclusion that this is more about controlling the 24 hour news cycle more than actually having anything to do with knowing what happened with the Kennedy Assassination and the investigation of it.