Can’t believe this vid exists (Tom Dempsey): Some video segments rare or previously unseen

We have been hitting the chef. Hope Dale is too far of a ride from midcity. We are launched and enjoying the water at the chef in 1/2 hour.
Midsummer we usually hit hopedale or des allemans( fresh water).

Thanks for the video! I forwarded it over to Mr Tom’s son.

My BIL typically launches out of Hopedale, which is cool but when I was fishing with my Dad in the mid 70s through the late 80's (and a few times in the 90's and later) we always launched out of Pointe ala Hache or Delicroix, better spots and more fish IMO.....would love to hit Bay Jack Nevette, False River, Pointe Fienne or Wreck Bay, again, used to be full of trout, reds, etc.....