The Electric Vehicle (EV) discussion thread (Merged)

This is not vandalism. It is not drunk teenagers . It is actions with only a single intent, to disrupt and intimidate Elon Musk from performing the actions assigned him by the duly elected President of the USA. That is NOT vandalism, it is domestic terrorism. It even could be framed as insurrection. I do not care at all if they want to reister a protest, take up signs and sing songs or whatever. No more attacking people, destroying property and setting stuff on fire. I do not see how anyone can defend this.
There is no way you can seriously frame this as as domestic terrorism, never mind insurrection. These actions are vandalism with a political motivation like me drawing a mustache and glasses on a Trump poster.

If these actions were determined to be insurrection, then the Tesla owners would not be able to look to their insurers to indemnify them, as damages due to "civil unrest, riot, or insurrection" are almost always specifically excluded in an insurance policy--IIRC from my claims adjuster days. @efil4stnias can speak to this

I'm going to bow out of any further reply lest this get too political.