Saints Cap Moves: $33,780,933 cap space ….. 8 restructures, 3 extensions, 3 pay cut, 1 release [All current cap moves are in OP below line]

Have you ever tried to get your click back? Sounds just as dumb right?
LOL not as dumb as your analog. Seriously? How does a internet podcaster that needs to generate clicks , likes and subscriptions that post an inflammatory headline geared to make people click on his or her story to get those clicks , and once you have clicked on it they have accomplished what they set out to do get a click that helps them sell advertising. Tell me what that has to do with you not liking a band/musician after paying a cover charge? Which in fact you can get a refund of that cover charge, while in fact you can't get your click back from the misleading podcast/ story that you clicked on. SMH

So you think that these click bait chasers should be able to post inflammatory headlines just to get you to click on them so they can line their pockets??