Which Position Should the Team Avoid at #9?

My favorite part is where you criticize the process and then immediately undercut your own sanctimony by trashing a specific position group. Impressive.

People are allowed to have preferences, as evidenced by your second paragraph where you state an obvious preference.

Your reading comprehension is failing you. My second paragraph demonstrates the importance of paying attention to the players available rather than the position itself. THIS year, the top Offensive lineman would have only been 5th or 6th if he came out last year.

I didn't trash the position. I'll try to be more clear. We all know the importance of offensive line. Yet if there's not a great one available, blindly stating you're drafting a tackle at #9 doesn't make sense. Last year the concern was that many of the teams ahead of the Saints could take tackles leaving the Saints with possibly the 4th or 5th best one in that draft. Luckily, only 2 OL went before the Saints drafted. But the fact remains, last year you definitely wouldn't rule out OT at #9, this year you probably can because there's no PLAYER with a top 10 grade. Which only emphasizes my point, it depends on the players available not just simply trying to address or avoid a position.

And this is a fan forum. That each post is a person's opinion is obvious. I think you look silly when you tuck your jersey into your jeans, CPG. Everyone who read that knows it's my opinion and preference to go untucked. It's implied.