Imagine Robert Plant showing up to one of your gigs and joining you on stage...

It wasn't me, I swear. For the longest time now upon hearing that song, my first thought has been Jenny slipping on the balcony railing in platform shoes high as a kite amazingly managing not to swan dive. Forrest Gump kinda ruined that song for me. It's just too cliche of a "radio play" (that and Sweet Home Alabama) to call it a LS favorite song. But the build-up to the guitar solo in the right frame of mind still hits you.

Of course, hearing Robert Plant do Black Dog live would be amazing even today. But that and Stairway are just too overplayed, I think, to reach for on your playlist time after time when you're listening alone anyway.

I guess they're golden oldies now.

I remember thinking how That Smell was the perfect song to describe that scene.....

And yes we are old......and if I never hear Stairway again that's just fine....

I love Lynyrd Skynyrd, they're in my top 3-5 "stuck on a deserted island" picks. But count me in the group that's 'meh' about Freebird - I think the rock ballad beginning is just ordinary. Now their live version of "T for Texas"??? Yes, please!

I don't love them, I liken them to the ABB's annoying little brother that occasionally write a really, really great

Tuesday's Gone or
Gimme Back My Bullet......