Movies from when we were kids

I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time last year

It was one of those movies I’d always heard about but for some reason never watched

I actually teared up a little, not because of anything in the movie

But the whole thing reminded me so much of watching those live action 50s and 60s Disney movies as a kid, first renting them from the local video store then a bit later on the Disney Channel

Even though it was my first time seeing it, for an instant I wasn’t watching it on my big screen TV I was transported back to my 1982 basement still decked out in 70s earth tones lying on the carpet in my toughskin jeans
Can’t understand how anyone over 20 has never seen that movie I realize it hasn’t been on tv for years but a parent since then should have made sure their kids have seen such a great movie.