David Carr to visit Saints...
David Carr throws one of the most beautiful long balls in football.
I frankly don't know what to think about it, maybe this is a tool trying to get Brunell to sign quicker, maybe they are covering his grounds.
Brunell seems to be a better fit just by his strong points, he is tough as nails, intelligent, but his problem has always been his accuracy on short passes. Rick Reiprish trade to get him to Jacksonville, so the saints staff knows him well.
I can't make a proper judgement of Carr's Houston years, but his season in Carolina was terrible. The first problem was that some media named him the starting quaterback over the very popular Jake Delhomme. Also, I think Carr didn't have a good relation with his teamates. Maybe he was arrogant, I don't know. One thing that we know is that he never had a chance with the Carolina fans.
In a way, both players are similar in their game, Brunell was a scape-act in his prime but now can be a magnet for defensive ends. Carr has always been a sack-to-be. Both are great with the long ball but not accurate enough in the short passes (I remember Carr last year againts the saints at the dome and he couldn't get the ball to a receiver in short routes).
They may not be the ideal candidates, but I am sure that if any of them is signed, is for a nothing-to-loose bringing to camp situation. I would not give the backup position to any of them just for signing a contract.