So, Just How Bad Is It in Iraq? as per Christian Science Monitor

“In a statement posted on its website last week, the Islamic Army – believed to be made up mostly of former regime elements – lamented the recent killings of two of its Mosul-based leaders, identified as Abu Fatima and Abu Ibrahim, at the hands of Al Qaeda in Iraq and called on its followers not to be distracted by this and to instead "focus all their energies on hitting the enemy: the Americans and the Shiites and peshmerga forces collaborating with them."

If you take the time to read the article, you realize the sheer impossibility of what we're trying to do in Iraq. We can spend 100 years there but nothing short of installing an iron-fisted dictatorship is going to keep the sectarian violence under control.
Especially when sect leaders tell their followers to ignore attacks made on them by AlQaeda and instead focus on U.S. forces and their Iraqi collaborators.

My point is, if we've got the money and manpower to take on an endless and ridiculously expensive task like this in Iraq, why the hell can't we attack some of our own domestic problems that by comparison would be a piece of cake. Amazing how money is no object if you can put a bogus "National Security" stamp on even the most frivilous expenditure.