Keith Rivers Highlight Video...

It seems you have this hatred in your heart for the guy... did he do take your ole lady or somethin'? I'm just curious...

Me personally I'm gonna wait and see what the FO does in the draft... I'm tired of all the mocks, and evals... I/we have no control over this stuff so I'm just gonna play the wait and see game.

I think he made a good point. Why does DRC get the benefit of excuse after excuse on why he didn't produce more in an inferior league compared to Rivers in an elite conference?

Another question, all year you hear people talk about how rediculous it is when teams draft players who no one has ever heard of during any football season and those same players all of the sudden are household names during the combine. Yet, now, the player the majority of the board wants if neither DT is there is a player I would include on the list of All Hype.

seems interesting to me.......:idunno: