USA "Magic is over" says this french guy.

I admit the USA has taken a hit over the last several years but in my opinion this is a normal cycle countries go through. Yes the world has changed, but its only a matter of time before the US adapts.

For the next Administration I would hope they adjust the US to this "new World" and require other countries to start footing the bill for world peace. I would like to see us curtail spending abroad, campaign for the European nations to increase their humanitarian spending, and have the US reinvest its tax dollars in home issues.

Do you think its time to draw back some from the international scene in order to strengthen our core?


"World peace" is a mirage. Our first responsibility is to ourselves and our children and grandchildren.

Beyond that, if the rest of the world wants to put together a genuinely mulitlateral and burden shared effort to address issues I'd be fine with contributing equitably.

Unfortunately the notion of "collective security" is not new and appears to be ineffective. The world has tried it twice with the League of Nationa and the U.N. Both organizations ultimately became hamstrung by politics and agendas (emanting from almost all members including us).

U.S. unilateralism has worked little better in pursuit of "peace" and has left the taxpayer burdened and militarized our economy and subjected our poltical system to graft doled out by lobbyists:

Time to ref-focus on what made America great: minding our business and building better mousetraps than anyone else.