There has been many findings and much evidence supporting this from the very beggining. I am neither Republican or Democrat. I have lost faith in our government and election process long ago. I have become disgusted with everything I learned in grade school and high school, only to have it revealed as fiction in college. I view news and multimedia as the biggest weapon and propaganda machine out there. I have seen evidence years ago stating just what the findings were, and have seen the sheep or John Q. Public refuse to believe it and ostracize the people who spoke the truth. They would rather discredit the source than reevalute their beliefs concerning our government and our lifestyles and the results of both. I am not anti government or anti american, just simply stating that we should all stop buying the mantra, hook line and sinker, and wake up and take this country back, stop dumbing down our education system, and start a revolution of truth and accountability, starting with ourselves, our lifestyles, and the cost and compromises we have made in order to have instant gratification and remain passive rather than go through the mental sweat and take a stand for the beliefs we were founded on that have become so perversed over the years. We are not number 1 in anything except consumption. We have become lazy and self centered, and no longer question very much and give up the fight quickly becuase we have been conditioned to think it is an uphill battle that can not be won. The point is, we have been bold faced lied to, by this administration and many others, yet we refuse to do much about it in proportion to the crimes committed against our sovriengty both by the government and corporate America in the name of money. That is what this war was about, that is what every tax cut is about, that is what almost every peice of legislature is about, and as long as we can go to walmart and buy crap we really don't need, we don't care or even consider what we have given up to have that "freedom".