ESPN Article on Saints secondary

I dunno man. A lot of people seem to have watched a different Superbowl to me this year. Sure Brady got pasted 5 times and the Giants pass-rush was instrumental to them keeping the game close until the final quarter. But all the blitzing in the world didn't stop the Pats marching 80 yards down the field and scoring a TD with 2:42 to go. It didn't stop Brady throwing for 266 yards and still completing 29 passes. And if it hadn't been for the incredible 'David and Eliath' play right at the death, the Giants (and their 5 sacks) would still have lost the game.

So I know it's tempting when the media is hailing the idea of pressurizing the QB as the hot 'new thing' to worship at the Temple of Coughlin & co. and I'm certainly not saying that we don't really need to step up our pass-rush because at times last year opposing QBs could have had a nap in the amount of time we game them on 3rd and long! But there are two sides to every story and you do need good CBs to have a really good team, we will have to upgrade ours at some point if we intend to compete perennially and even the mighty Giants still gave up 207.3 passing yards per game last season. As far as I'm concerned it is neither pressure or coverage but a good combination of both.

ive been sayin this all along! you gotta have playmakers in the secondary too. the whole front seven makes the secondary look great is crap. if you have guys that can hold their own in the secondary they will get burned often. yes a consistant passrush makes the secondarys job eaiser but you still have to have guys that can make plays in the backend. in not you will get torched, often point blank.