Deuce pushed back his roster bonus date

I have no idea why people are saying that Deuce's agreement on this issue shows that he is a "class act." A smart businessman maybe, but it really does not go to show that he has excpetional character.

Having said that, I do believe Deuce is, in fact, a class act. I just base my belief on his past conduct -- this particular contract position does not factor into it one way or another for me. He is doing what he thinks is best for him -- not that there is anything wrong with that.

I completely agree, Deuce is one of he classiest guys to play for the Saints, but this doesn't show good character b/c he does not have the opportunity to demand anything. He has two blown knees and will get very little attention on the FA market. I'm just as happy as anyone that he is still on the team, but its his donations to charity and time spent rebuilding New Orleans and Mississippi after Katrina that shows his class. I'm not saying deuce just did this for the money, he more than likely wants to retire a Saint, but i am betting that pushing back this bonus was his only choice.