Analysis: Dixon did more than land Saints, push for Superdome

Mary Foster (AP) / New Orleans Times-Picayune

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Dave Dixon had to do a lot of wheeling and dealing to secure the New Orleans Saints franchise and get the Louisiana Superdome built. Along the way, he also had to be a facilitator for desegregation of Louisiana football and New Orleans restaurants.

Dixon, 84, is not a man who has trouble dreaming. Among his brain storms were the United States Football League and World Championship Tennis.

But his visions with the greatest and lasting impact for Louisiana and the Gulf Coast are the Superdome and the Saints.

According to his autobiography, "The Saints, The Superdome and the Scandal," those dreams began when Tulane University dropped out of the Southeastern Conference in the 1960s and de-emphasized sports. Dixon felt that much of the "competitive, joyous spirit seemed to have been squeezed out of our community." Full Story – Picayune