Immigration Reduces Crime Rates - per study

Yeah but ya gotta factor in, they are criminals by just being here. Right?

No, because they are looking at other kinds of crimes. Some of the study involved legal immigrants and found that areas with high concentrations of immigrants had lower violent crimes rates. We can assume that many illegal immigrants are drawn to areas with high immigrant populations of similar backgrounds primarily for the built-in social networks, so increased illegal immigration doesn't appear to lead to increased violent crimes either. Also, the part of the study that was about Chicago included both legal and illegal immigrants. Also, some of the statistics are for entire cities where both illegal and legal immigrants reside.

This is the article that I should have posted which goes into more detail than the mini version posted above:

Rethinking Crime and Immigration

The summer of 2007 witnessed a perfect storm of controversy over immigration to the United States. After building for months with angry debate, a widely touted immigration reform bill supported by President George W. Bush and many leaders in Congress failed decisively. Recriminations soon followed across the political spectrum.
Just when it seemed media attention couldn’t be greater, a human tragedy unfolded with the horrifying execution-style murders of three teenagers in Newark, N.J., attributed by authorities to illegal aliens.
Presidential candidate Rep. Tom Tancredo (R–Colorado) descended on Newark to blame city leaders for encouraging illegal immigration, while Newt Gingrich declared the “war at home” against illegal immigrants was more deadly than the battlefields of Iraq. National headlines and outrage reached a feverish pitch, with Newark offering politicians a potent new symbol and a brown face to replace the infamous Willie Horton, who committed armed robbery and rape while on a weekend furlough from his life sentence to a Massachusetts prison. Another presidential candidate, former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson, seemed to capture the mood of the times at the Prescott Bush Awards Dinner: “Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women, and children around the world.”
Now imagine a nearly opposite, fact-based scenario. Consider that immigration—even if illegal—is associated with lower crime rates in most disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. Or that increasing immigration tracks with the broad reduction in crime the United States has witnessed since the 1990s............
Contexts Magazine Rethinking Crime and Immigration