Do you hold your pen/pencil correctly?


Not really. It never bothered me. My point in putting it like that was to express completely to CT Saint that people did try their best to teach me to write "correctly", and that it didn't matter.

A kid will write however it feels most comfortable to them :shrug: and that's that. Sure you should show them the "right" way I guess, but if they don't like it, they won't write like that.

Swing and a miss on all accounts by me. Meh. My bad for being presumptuous.

It's kind of a trivial topic, but I guess one of more import is, is teaching a kid the "right" way to hold a pencil/pen really of the utmost importance? I mean, Constitution, reading comprehension, math skills, are really considerably more important than how the kid holds his pen/pencil while he writes his essy, IMO at least.

I've honestly never had an instructor try to teach me the "correct" way to write in recent memory. Maybe in the 1st grade so I'd know what end went on the paper, but during high school this specific brand of grip was not instructed. Then again I went to public school.

To summarize, and I think agree, hold the damn thing however it's comfortable for you.

ps I owe you $10 internet dollars. Spend them wisely:)