Some thoughts on Reggie Bush and next season

I disagree.

Look at Welker, who almost never takes a direct hit. Look at Emmit Smith and Dunn, that followed blocking, and always ducked under the direct hit. Look at Walter Payton, that had such wonderful flexibility he could be bent backward and bounce right up. Reggie doesn't seem to have great flexibility, and has a special knack for getting hit right in the chest.

I'm as big a Reggie fan as anyone else, but if used as an every down back, he is an injury waiting to happen.

all the players you listed at some point had some type of injury, you cant play football and not have some type of injury...I remember Emmit breaking his collar bone vs the Giants, I'm sure Dunn and Payton had there share of time in the ice tub....your lucky when you can have a career as long as Payton and Dunn and not have a career threatening injury, and Welker....well he's still young too, so.....(knock on wood) I wouldnt be to quick to throw his name out there, he just aint ran across the right safety yet...injuries are part of the game.