Boycott Olympics?

So the atheletes which compete for a specific country, and are recognized with medals tallied under each country and the various national anthems of the winners are played at a ceremony are in representation of the human race instead of borders and flags?

Perhaps I misunderstood the post, but it certainly seemed you were seriously pushing that point.

I think ideally I think the olympics would represent the sport, the love of the game, and the atheletes. It doesn't and it never will. Do you think for one second USA's win over Russian in hockey would have meant near as much as it did had the political atmosphere been different from what it was? Wrong. Those guys acknowledge what that win meant to them and to Americans in the context of the day.

Well, for the most part, it's athlete(s) against athlete(s). True, it is also nation against nation. There is nothing wrong with that as long as it stays on a sporting, good natured premise, which it appears it does not. Good, wholesome competitive sports is fine, but it's tainted by all this political influence that spoils the good natured side of it all.

Since it is more of a nation vs nation thing, does it really tell anyone which country is better than another in the most important of issues? Does the performance of Jessie Owens make any other country shy away from starting a war with us because he beat all those other countries by simply running faster than the rest? Does it make a case for our politics or choice of government and who's is better? Does that have any bearing on who would beat who in a war or politics? If not, then why is it political and why are countries boycotting other countries since it really has absolutely no bearing on anything. All countries have wronged. Why use the Olympics to bring out all the bad issues? That's not the stage for it IMO.

The USA beats Russia in hockey. So what? It was a great moment in USA sports, I surely agree to that. The chinese gymnast tore everyone a new one in the 80's. We win some, we lose some. That's it. Nothing more. It surely doesn't state which country is better than another in any relevant manner.

It doesn't prove anything political, but it does show which country is better at swimming/shot put/long jump/uneven bars/etc in that particualr Olympics. Just 4 years of gloating and prestige. I understand this has been turned into propaganda, but I find it ridiculous that we can't even have an international sporting event without creating tensions for senseless reasons.