ABC Facebook debate discussion (1 Viewer)


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Jul 16, 2005
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Jackson, ms
This is easily the biggest debate so far. This debate should get a little more heated on both sides of the aisle with the race really heating up. So far the past two debates have had the biggest impact of the GOP race with Huckabee making a huge move and Giuliani losing a lot of steam.
Edwards and Obama are kicking Hillary's butt. She came out on the attack against Obama early and tried to turn him and Edwards on each other. Obama as always took the high road and Edwards made her look stupid by siding with Obama and indirectly calling her out.

You could hear how ****** she was in her rebuttal about how she is all about "change".

This is hilarious.
Richardson trying to get Hillary's back. It's Obama and Edwards vs. Hillary and Richardson in a steel cage tag team match. :D
Is anyone watching this instead of football?

I love football but I knew after coming in third Hillary would be like a rabid Doberman tonight. As a fan of politics this debate was destined to be awesome and it's delivering especially if your anti-Hillary like me. :mwink:
I've got it on, but I don;t know why.. Prolly gonna go back to the game for a little and see if it's close.
This is the best debate format yet.

I didn't see a clear winner between McCain and Romney. Huckabee has no chance of winning NH, but gave the best performance as usual. The fight between Paul and almost everyone else was both entertaining and frightening. Hearing so much discussion of alternative energy was encouraging....I'm going to start working on a 100mpg car if Huck wins.

Clinton is the loser so far on the Dem side. Whoever transcribes her comments is going to wear out the U and H keys on their keyboard. Agree with SBTB's assessment of Obama and Edwards vs Hillary. The experience card won't work in NH.
I think McCain got the better of Romney. You could tell Romney got a tad bit rattled by all the little jabs the other candidates were giving him. As far as the Dems go, Edwards is going to do all he can to make Clinton look bad. I think he feels that he stands a better chance of beating Obama head to head. He needs Clinton out of the picture asap.
I missed all of the GOP debate watching the awesome NFC game. However, I flipped over to catch the Dem debate and saw the Edwards/Obama pile-on Hillary. Classic!

Richardson, per usual, just sounds doltish IMO.

Obama continues to impress. In trying to pick my horse, I've meandered between several candidates over the last few months. As of this writing, it's Obama.

However, a 3rd party candidate will be given serious consideration.
As friendly as Obama and Edwards are being I'm wondering if they don't have a deal in place to try and drive Hillary out of this thing. Their teaming up seems to be a bit above happenstance. They are constantly complimenting each other and missing no opportunity to take shots at Hillary and whenever one does the other is quick to agree with him.

I enjoyed the debate. I feel better about the candidates. I am glad they had a real dicussion on many important topics. I am sorry the plight of the Gulf Coast wasn't included. (Or was it and I was phased out at the time.) Loved the format. Best debate so far by far.
Edwards really came off as the Robin to Obama's Batman. Obama was the only person on the stage that seemed Presidential and gave substantive answers to every question. He was able to attack without coming of petty like Hillary. He was able to talk about change without coming off cheesy like Edwards. He was able to talk about foreign policy without seeming like he was name dropping like Richardson.

Basically he was better than the other three in every category. In addition he said some things on health care, tax breaks for keeping jobs in America and foreign policy I REALLY liked.
It's Obama. give him the nomination now. Taped the Republican debate and it seems Romney held off the attacks. I'll watch to see.
Obama's style is much better suited to the longer and in depth debate format. He wins NH based on this debate and the apparently huge Iowa bounce in recent polls.
IMHO edwards and obama were neck and neck, followed by clinton and then richardson.

I didnt get to see all of the republican debate so I dont know what happened early.

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