Advice on killing mice (1 Viewer)


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Gold VIP Contributor
Oct 24, 2000
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I've got some mice in my laundry room and they won't die, that is unless they get into the clothes basket and get put into the washer. I've put out some Tomcat block bait which is supposed to kill them within a few days, but this has been over a week now and they're eating the stuff like candy and leaving little green poops all over the place. Besides mousetraps, which I'd like to avoid having to use if possible, what are some high strength chemical type options that I could use? Anybody have experiences in this area? Thanks for any and all advice you can give.

Night vision goggles and a pellet gun. Hope you're a good aim.



Betters choice.
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Works well for what cats can't get, two traps would get 10 in a day if you empty a few times. I'd kill any poisoned mice instead of releasing them.
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There is a poison that once it is ingested, the mice or rats get thirsty, leave the house in search of water and when they drink water, it activates the part of the poison that kills them in 14 min. I got it at Ace Hardware on Magazine St. I think that it looks like a granola bar.
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Just watch poisons if you have pets....even if they cannot get into the poison itself, if the mouse ingests the poison and dies in a place that the dog/cat can get to it, then the pet ingests the poison as well. I usually use trap-type methods instead. Of course, I have one dog that can catch a live mouse as well as any cat! In NJ we had a small kiddie pool in the dog run, and the field mice would be attracted to the water in hot weather. They'd get in there and couldn't get out, and would drown. Lola, my mouser-dog, would "bob for mice" and clean out the pool for me....yuck. But between the drownings and the number of mice that Lola and her daughter Lolita caught, we rarely had a mouse in the house.
I have a cocker spaniel that lives to catch mice and we have had a ton this year. All I have to do is point at the floor and say "get em" and he is trying to find mice for hours.

Poison presents a couple problems. One if your pet or kids get into it then you have a big problem. If the mouse dies and a pet eats it then you have a problem. If the mouse dies in between your walls you will have another problem.

I will take good ole fashion mouse traps over any other method. Also, if you can see a couple mice then you likely have 20 or more running around.
You could get a 5 gallon bucket and a coke can. You get the handle of the 5 gallon bucket and either glue or tape the wire handle to where it is facing straight up (as if you were carrying it). Then you cut the actual plastic piece on the handle with wire cutters. Take the empty coke can and punch a small hole in the center of the bottom can. After doing this take the wire handle and put the end of the wire on each side of the coke can.

The coke can should now be in the center of the wire handle and the can should spin freely. The handle should also be standing straight up and pretty sturdy. You now have a mouse trap and all you have to do is fill the bucket halfway up with water and spread peanut butter all over the can.

All you have to do now is place the bucket where the mice can get to it. If you don't have any low shelves just place a small board going up to the bucket.

The mice will smell the peanut butter and try to jump on the can to eat and when they land on it the can spins putting them right in the water. In one night you can rack up.
Jeremy, I was going to suggest the sticky trap option. I said you didn't want traps. But I had to fight field mice when we lived in MS (drawback to living is the sticks). I tried everything in the book but the sticky traps were the only thing that really worked. However, after reading bclemms suggestion, I think we have a winner.

Be sure to put some pellets in the coke can so you can hear it rattle when they take the bait.
If someone had a video camera the night i found a mouse in my apartment it would make tons of money. I didnt even realize that my voice could get that high. Thank god I was alone i would have never lived that down.
You could get a 5 gallon bucket and a coke can. You get the handle of the 5 gallon bucket and either glue or tape the wire handle to where it is facing straight up (as if you were carrying it). Then you cut the actual plastic piece on the handle with wire cutters. Take the empty coke can and punch a small hole in the center of the bottom can. After doing this take the wire handle and put the end of the wire on each side of the coke can.

The coke can should now be in the center of the wire handle and the can should spin freely. The handle should also be standing straight up and pretty sturdy. You now have a mouse trap and all you have to do is fill the bucket halfway up with water and spread peanut butter all over the can.

All you have to do now is place the bucket where the mice can get to it. If you don't have any low shelves just place a small board going up to the bucket.

The mice will smell the peanut butter and try to jump on the can to eat and when they land on it the can spins putting them right in the water. In one night you can rack up.

Oh My! Is this something that you came up with yourself, or something you read somewhere?? I have never heard of such a ......Lets just say when you watch Tom and Jerry, and the Traps Tom comes up with, this reminds me of one of those. *lol*

Bonnjer, if you do this one, you are going to need to video it or at least take pics!
I didn't come up with but I can promise it works. My mom used to have a farm with a barn and horses. Mice love horse feed and we tried everything to get the mice but nothing was effective. One day a vet came out to the barn because one of the horses was sick and he told us about it. Well at the time I was about 12 and my younger brother was 10 and this interested us greatly. We sat up 4 buckets and went through half a thing of peanut butter and checked them every couple of minutes and nothing. Well the next day we walked down to the barn and there were several mice in every one of the buckets. The bucket that was in the feed room had 7.

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