Call your house member - it's the Senate's version or nothing at all... (1 Viewer)


Aug 15, 2000
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da boyah

There was no way the house's version of the bill (championed by Ted formerly in DC and others) was ever going to pass. With the flip to the Democrats , it's never to the second power. If we wait until next year, it's not going to happen either unless we can convince Senator Landrieu to threaten to switch parties and force it to be taken up then (unlikely).

So we've got a window of about 30 days. Senator Harry Reid is behind our efforts as is President Bush. No matter whether you live in a Republican House District or a Democratic House District, call your Representative and tell them to get on board with the Senate version of the oil royalties - else we get nothing at all.

Go Mary.

Why does the royalty issue have to be tied to opening up more drilling in the gulf?

I guess it doesn't, its just the way the Congressionsal leadership wants it.
My guess is that it was part of the Administration's "Secret Energy Policy" to open up waters in environmentallly senisitive areas (blue and red states both). So we either get the money or we don't.

And it really stinks that Louisiana won;t get any money from existing sites until 2017 - but I am with you, either take this or get nothing.
Why does the royalty issue have to be tied to opening up more drilling in the gulf?

and off the East Coast, too.

that's the poison pill that got attached to the House version. I agree that since that, it's the Senate version or nothing.
KBB commented that she would like to try and get Louisiana rolyalties as a separate issue from the expansion of the drilling sites. Pelosi was in agreement with her, but I don't think that's something that can be done until KBB returns from Kuwait.

I agree with pushing for this through now and then continuing to press for more immediate payments. Chances are that before 2017 gets here we will have been robbed again and the legislation will have been changed and/or the costs to repair the wetlands will have tripled. We need to get started yesterday, not a decade from now.
Why would a democratic controled house and senate not do something like this? Surely they are only concerned about whats best for the people.
>>Why would a democratic controled house and senate not do something like this? Surely they are only concerned about whats best for the people.

They can't. Because of the house version and the opt out program, it becomes profitable to drill and explore in environmentally sensitive areas. It's a lot of redstates (North and South Carolina), purple ones (Florida) and blue ones (California, Maryland, Delaware) that are most opposed to any opening up of those waters for profitability. And on top of that, you have environmentalists generally opposed to any drilling. The Senate's version only deals with Texas, Louisiana, Missisippi and Alabama. It does not affect any of the other states. That's another issue entirely.

Knowing you Jeff, I'm thinking you're being a little faceitous here. But this is a weird alliance of republican governors, environmentalists, tourism bureaus and such that oppose it (along with future Senate Energy Chairman Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico who opposes the money going to the states and believes it should continue to go to the Federal government).

So dude, call your congressman and tell them to get behind it. Louisiana can help itself in the future with our fair share of the royalties.


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