Sources on MSNBC are reporting that the Clintons will be throwing the kitchen sink out tonight for something that sticks. hahahaha I hope she tries some more xerox lines. Look, I think Senator Clinton would made a fine president, and along with Senators Obama and McCain, would have administrations many levels of infinity better than what we have now with President Bush's people. But I had to laugh when Olbermann said she'd brought more voices than Rich Little to the campaign (backed it up) since her personal moment in New Hampshire. I'm looking hard to see how Obama responds. If he's quick on his feet and has plausible answers for his perceived weaknesses, then he's going to show that he will be able to handle it in the general campaign. There are questions of foreign policy experience, general experience, executive experience, political ideology and such that will be asked repeatedly. He's got to be ready for everything. Don't get me wrong, I expect that his campaign will be much quicker on their feet than the Dukakis and Kerry campaigns were in responding to (often bogus) allegations. Gore's team was always ready, and Clinton (what he even answered) handled the negative attack machine pretty well in 1992 and 1996.
Should be at least a few sparks tonight.
Should be at least a few sparks tonight.