Falling feels like flying til you hit the ground
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I read that yesterday, but prior to that article, I was completely unaware regarding beef and pork. I understand the chicken growing process a little better, and indeed always thought it curious that poultry producers refer to their contractors as "growers". Back in the day you were a chicken "farmer." But then the term "Grower" allows chickens to be commoditized and "Farmer" implies a level of personalization.It's obvious that most of you don't know how your food is grown and processed in most of the industrialised world. Poultry and pork production systems are highly efficient and are focused on weekly production batches. In the pork production system, large sow farms produce weekly batches of weaned pigs...12-14 lb. at 21 days of age. These operations have specific areas dedicated to mating sows, gestating sows and areas where they give birth. At any one time, there will be 16 weeks of pregnant sows in the pipeline plus 3 weeks of sows lactating. It is imperative that every week, sows wean their piglets so that the next batch can enter the birthing unit. Now to put numbers in perspective, the usual size of a sow farm is 5000 head. This farm will produce 2,400 piglets each week.
These weaned pigs must then be moved to a wean-finish facility where they will spend the next 24 weeks of their life growing from 12 lb to 300 lb. at which time they are slaughtered. the end of the 24 weeks, the pigs must go to the slaughterhouse to accommodate the next batch of weaned pigs. There is no buffer in the system. Closure of a processing plant for one week is a disaster in the can possibly get by one to two weeks by double-stocking their facilities...meaning placing twice as many pigs in their facility as they would normally. This has serious animal welfare implications because the animals have half as much space as they need including access to feed and water is reduced by 50%. Three or more weeks and the only alternative is to euthanise animals just like what is occurring now. You have a pipeline of pigs coming every week and cannot turn it off...and that pipeline is 43 weeks long (16 weeks of pregnancy, 3 weeks of lactation and 24 weeks of post-weaning growth).
Now, the poultry industry is similar in many respects...but more easy to shut off the pipeline by not setting or hatching the weekly batch of chicks. However, broiler chickens (genetically improved for fast and efficient growth and high yields of breast meat) cannot be held one or two weeks longer than normal. Their skeletal structure will not support the additional weight that these birds would gain in the 7-14 extra days.
I went to high school with a lot of chicken farmers, and they really cared about their flocks. These literal mom and pop farms have been replaced by chicken factories; huge, industrial looking chicken houses staffed guessed it...immigrants, since 'Muricans won't do the work.