99% Practice; 1% Theory
I just looked at her age. She's 54. She's probably suffering through something as a result of menopause. I read the menopause forum all the time on Reddit because of some stuff that I went through last year that left me wondering if I was going crazy or dying because doctors had no answers and every test came back normal - and only because I came across a post on Instagram did it ever occur to me that perimenopause (which I didn't even know was a thing) was the root cause (I didn't relate them to menopause because I am still very much having a regular period & these weren't obvious menopause symptoms like a hot flash would be).
Anyway, the women on that forum talk about it a lot. There is still a massive lack of research in women's health in general but especially in menopause space but what does exist out there, demonstrates evidence that a sudden onset of auto-immune disorders is VERY common in peri & menopausal woman. Makes sense; too, because we literally lose at rapid pace, all the hormones that have maintained our vitality and other organ systems. Women weren't even included in clinical trials until the 90's. We were treated like small men despite the fact that we have very different biology.
Anyway, the women on that forum talk about it a lot. There is still a massive lack of research in women's health in general but especially in menopause space but what does exist out there, demonstrates evidence that a sudden onset of auto-immune disorders is VERY common in peri & menopausal woman. Makes sense; too, because we literally lose at rapid pace, all the hormones that have maintained our vitality and other organ systems. Women weren't even included in clinical trials until the 90's. We were treated like small men despite the fact that we have very different biology.