Good time for a slide (1 Viewer)


Lint smoker
May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Alexandria, LA
Arguably, this part of the season is a good time for a bit of a slide and to not play the best football.

If the team can get it together again, fix the mistakes, and gain that confidence, discipline, and momentum it had at the beginning of the season, this team is poised to make a run.

Point being: it's better to have a bit of a slide in the middle of the season rather than very early (getting out of the hunt) or very late (playing and losing out on a playoff berth) Teams will go through these peaks and valleys.

Keep in mind, Pittsburgh had a late season run which found them hoisting the Lombardy Trophy at the end.

I've got confidence that this coach and staff can fix the mistakes and play better from here on out.
Well ideally you want to peak going into the playoffs, so yes. If you're going to drop 1-3, you want to do it in the middle of the season and rebound the final 6 games rather then go 10-2 and then go 1-3 to end the season and back into the playoffs.

I can't see Brees in particular playing this sloppy for much longer. So I expect a rebound. It's just the margin of error is so small. We can't lose vs Atlanta, if we do we're in serious danger of losing the division which is the only sure way to make the playoffs.
Hmm, good point, but on the other hand, id almost rather this team lose the first 3-4 games early on then gel together and rip off 10 of 12 games the rest of the way.

the way they are doing it now, scares me, some weaknesses are getting exposed and now frequently exploited. get rid of the turnovers and it will be much better, but I also want that swagger back, along with getting some injured players back on the field.
Let's also not forget that this team doesn't have Haslett or players who point fingers and don't take responsibility.

This team has high character, good, smart players who won't quit.

I guarantee if the Saints protect the ball better and get more turnovers on defense, we'll go on a run.

Turnovers lost this game today. Period.
Let's also not forget that this team doesn't have Haslett or players who point fingers and don't take responsibility.

This team has high character, good, smart players who won't quit.

I guarantee if the Saints protect the ball better and get more turnovers on defense, we'll go on a run.

Turnovers lost this game today. Period.

Well 2 points give me optomism

1) Brees will (rightfully) take responsibility for the two awful decisions he made, and bear the brunt of the blame for the loss. Hopefully (ideally) this will cause a chain reaction of personnal-accountability for the rest of the team for the past two losses. This is what leaders do.

2) Brees isn't fragile. He'll bounce back. He has before. There's no reason to suppose he won't now.
Going into the break, I was concerned that we'd go 0-4 during this four-game stretch. I'm actually thrilled to be sitting here at 6-4 after 10 games, entering a stretch of our schedule that is much more favorable: Falcons, 49ers, Cowboys, Redskins. If we can take three out of those four and split the last two (Giants and Panthers), we'll be a 10-6 playoff team. If we slip up and finish 9-7, I still think we get in on the basis of our NFC record.

Take a deep breath and count to 10. We're going to be OK.

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