Building my own team!
I ran across this analysis of the Tenn O-line against SD in the playoffs and found it an interesting read.
Total Titans | MVN - Most Valuable Network Offensive Line against San Diego
Has anyone seen something like this for any of our games since Payton took over? I did a couple of searches for threads that might contain something like this, but there were way too many hits on my keywords (analysis, offensive line, defensive line).
If someone knows of a thread that had something like this and can find it, or knows of one that hasn't been posted, can you post here?
Total Titans | MVN - Most Valuable Network Offensive Line against San Diego
Has anyone seen something like this for any of our games since Payton took over? I did a couple of searches for threads that might contain something like this, but there were way too many hits on my keywords (analysis, offensive line, defensive line).
If someone knows of a thread that had something like this and can find it, or knows of one that hasn't been posted, can you post here?