Have Carolina fans been training in Philadelphia? (1 Viewer)


Vesti le procè flamber
VIP Contributor
Aug 31, 1997
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Houston via New Jersey, New Orleans, Baton Rouge,
What's up with these fair-weather fans? They're booing almost from the opening kickoff. They booed their defense when Galloway missed the long touchdown pass! !?!?! What's up with that? Then they're booing their offense on the first drive! Talk about giving up on your team early! You'd think this was the Raiders' team they're watching. Seriously, it sounds like Philly there. Yeesh. They don't deserve their team to do well acting like that. I understand booing late in the game when your team is way down and they playing bad, but at the beginning with no score?
And now Tampa scored and the boo birds are getting really healthy...
What's up with these fair-weather fans? They're booing almost from the opening kickoff. They booed their defense when Galloway missed the long touchdown pass! !?!?! What's up with that? Then they're booing their offense on the first drive! Talk about giving up on your team early! You'd think this was the Raiders' team they're watching. Seriously, it sounds like Philly there. Yeesh. They don't deserve their team to do well acting like that. I understand booing late in the game when your team is way down and they playing bad, but at the beginning with no score?
And now Tampa scored and the boo birds are getting really healthy...

Sad to say but it actually reminds me of the late 2002-2004 Superdome fans.
You should have seen the Viking game yesterday... the Vikes were down by a couple points... GB had the ball on a crucial 3rd down play... the crowd was SILENT. You can clearly hear Favre's call... I was like wooooowwwww....

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