Honey Badger welcomed to toke shop. (1 Viewer)

Jul 8, 2008
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a van down by the river
NOLA link for toke shop article

The ad for Bud's Glass Joint in Phoenix appears in the Phoenix New Times, and it states: "Honey Badger. Welcome to Phoenix! We have what you're looking for."

Making light of someone's addiction is tasteless, but it undoubtedly accomplished the business's goal of generating interest.

ok, so I am super happy that the Saints did not get him because he needs new scenery but I am still pulling for him. I know this business has the right to do it but this is fruit to say the least. I would hope that if we were giving a kid a shot here after so many personal demons that we would run this shop out of town in the name of the Saints if not just because it was the right thing to do.
Do they have the right to use him (and his LSU uniform) in their ad?

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