How should Deuce be used? (1 Viewer)


Dreamer of Dreams
VIP Contributor
Aug 1, 2005
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Chauvin, LA
I love Reggie Bush and I think he is and will continue to be a great player for us; however, he isn't ready to be a power/full-time RB in this offense. I was so amazed at the lack of attempts and carries got yesterday. I think we could have put the game away easier and earlier had we run Deuce properly.

So, my question is this: How should Payton use Deuce? Should it be exactly like it is or should Deuce get 20 to 30 carries a game or should it something totally different?

I personally believe that if we had rushed Deuce, we would've beaten the Ravens. I think Deuce gives us the opportunity to overpower defenses and simply wear them out. He is a better back than most in the league but I just don't think we are coming close to usinghim properly.

Don't get me wrong, I love winning, but I don't know if we can consistently win without letting Deuce be Deuce.

What do you think?
Just use him more

yeah...we won't need him in december....might as well let his knee take a beating....why not just run him 30 times a game....heck we should have put horn and jamaal brown in despite their injuries...we won't need them in december either....

I love Reggie Bush and I think he is and will continue to be a great player for us; however, he isn't ready to be a power/full-time RB in this offense. I was so amazed at the lack of attempts and carries got yesterday. I think we could have put the game away easier and earlier had we run Deuce properly.

So, my question is this: How should Payton use Deuce? Should it be exactly like it is or should Deuce get 20 to 30 carries a game or should it something totally different?

I personally believe that if we had rushed Deuce, we would've beaten the Ravens. I think Deuce gives us the opportunity to overpower defenses and simply wear them out. He is a better back than most in the league but I just don't think we are coming close to usinghim properly.

Don't get me wrong, I love winning, but I don't know if we can consistently win without letting Deuce be Deuce.

What do you think?

If Deuce is healthy he has to be the centerpiece. Gives you a chance to bring Reggie along slowly and to work into other roles. As we have seen that can create headaches for the defense.

But I think if Deuce was 100% we would be using him more. Between his geing nicked up and teams stacking the line, we have had a rough stretch running the ball. If he gets healthier and we keep throwing the ball well, the running game will come back.
yeah...we won't need him in december....might as well let his knee take a beating....why not just run him 30 times a game....heck we should have put horn and jamaal brown in despite their injuries...we won't need them in december either....


Deuce needs to get the ball more.Whats all this 'need him in december' mumbo jumbo?We need a real RB who can get positive yardage as a RB.Without the excuses.
Deuce needs to get the ball more.Whats all this 'need him in december' mumbo jumbo?We need a real RB who can get positive yardage as a RB.Without the excuses.

so you think deuce is 100% ready for that kind of load?? i am sorry, but if he was, i am sure coach payton would use him...i think he is doing the right i like it?? heck no....but having no deuce at all would be worse than having 10-15 touches deuce...this "we need him in december" is not "mumbo jumbo" ....playoff teams usually make a nice run at the end of the year....i want deuce to be at his best at that point of the this point, it appears we can win without a strong running game...why rush into something that might hurt us in the long run

you act like deuce didn't blow his knee out last year...
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The problem is, we do need him now. I agree that we'll need him in December, but we need to be able to put some of these games away by shoving it down defenses throats.

I think it is a priority that we utilize him better from here on out. If he were hurt so much, why is he in at all?

He is the engine to our offense...
Here's the thing, if Haslett is coaching with McCarthy or the other OC yesterday he runs Deuce into the pile all day and we lose by 3 points.

Payton on the other hand sees what the defense is giving him and adjusts accordingly.
When we played Tampa the first time, he saw that we could run against their defense and stuck with the ground game plan. We didn't put up a lot of points but we effectively were controlling the ball until Gradkowsky got hot and almost whipped us. Fortunately, the D stepped up and Reggie saved the day with that gorgeous punt return for a touchdown.

Yesterday the Bucs were not going to let us run no matter what. They dared Payton to pass, Brees took them up on the dare and we got 3 beautiful scoring passes and a short Deuce run up the middle for another TD.

Good coaches take what the defense gives them. Look at Belicheck. The guy will throw 40 times if he thinks it will win that game.

Deuce is the man, no question, and it was the threat of he or Reggie busting one that opened up the passing game so much. The best part of the equation is we FINALLY have a quarterback who knows how to hit receivers in stride so that we can actually take advantage when teams try to focus on stopping the run.

My goodness we score 31 on Tampa yesterday and it could have easily been 38. That's smart football. This week if Pitt keeps in an extra DB to cover our speedy wideouts (speedy wideouts who can actually catch the ball) then you'll likely see Deuce up the middle for long gains again.
Deuce is being utilized perfectly. Enough to get him going and not too much to the point where his knee will wear down by game 13. the people who wants him to carry 20-30 times are not being realistic. The guy is coming off of a season ending injury that takes 2 years to recover fully.... there's absolutely no reason to wear the guy to wear down or risk an injury to his knee. We're 6-2 at the moment, there's no rush to force Deuce to carry the load. Keep the guy fresh and healthy.. and ready for the playoff unless we start a losing streak. Other than that, there's no reason to complain.
were winning Coach Paytons way so i'm not going to question him, but I'm sure he is smart enough to know that you cant win with your runningback getting 30yrds and the team as a whole getting 49? its the same formula that he has been using all year, Duece getting the majority of the carries 15-20 and Reggie getting his opportunity 10-15 carries and 5-10 receptions, but come game day sometimes you have to go off your plans and thats what has happened the past 2-3 games, the bucs came back after being down 17-0 to go 17-14 so payton starting passing to get points on the board, plus the Bucs already were 8 men in the box for Duece (the buc killer) Mcallister so we had to pass this game, but on a good day (like cleveland) you see how the offense works.
Deuce should be utilized just like the coach is trying to use him and that is to sustain long drives to eat up the clock and let your defense rest. Breaking a big one is hoped for too. The 3 yard TD run (didn't he have first down runs as well?) is part of that. I too like to see him break the long run but not sure giving him the ball 30 times just to see that is smart. We do however have to be more efficient than we have been recently while running the ball. 50 yards a game or whatever we have been getting recently want work every week.
Deuce should be used sparingly till he gets healthy. And then not unlike Payton himself insists.......he should be a 20+ touch a game player. But I think it is apparent that the guy just isn't there yet.

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