I dont think we played bad today and I will explain why (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
When I saw the game and thought at first we were stinking up the joint, then I thought that maybe we just overlooked the Ravens and their new gameplan after firing Jim Fassel 2 weeks ago. It seemed to me at times that the Saints didnt know what the Ravens real gameplan was becuase the guy who was usually making it was gone and we didnt know what to expect. And I do think the bye week hurt us too, we lost a little momentum after the Philly game and then it ended when we into the bye week.

I think we just didnt know what to expect from Baltimore today and it showed, and I think the bye week helped Baltimore more becuase they were implementing a new system and they had more time to do it.

But the real kicker is we made bad decisions in the Red Zone todaym, guys we had several chances to get scores and we came up empty handed, that has to stop if we are to win in Tampa.

Drew Brees never stopped today and he has to be cheared for that, some of those screw ups were not his fault, they were just dumb mistakes done by WR's and RB's who are adjusting to this league.

But we didnt look bad, to say that we didnt look great or wonderful but if we had more focus, the score would have been more closer.

I think we pushed it too slow and didnt get it our all on every play, thats why we lost today.

We lost focus ,and the mistakes got to us.

But in now way should we ashamed, we tried and didnt quit and remarkebly thats important to winning games.

Their is always next week guys and I have a feeling we will do better

Good luck and keep the faith.
You know, I'm disappointed but I'm remarkably relaxed about it. That bye week seemed interminable for me and I think a lot of Saints fans. There wasn't much good to take away from this game except the ability to bounce back next week from a bad beat with a convincing win.
I thought...

the Ravens did a great job of completely shutting down our short passing game by jumping on the swing pass and batting passes down. In all of our games leading up to this one it seems Payton likes to get Brees in a rythem early with the swing passes and the Ravens completely took that away. Even when he was'nt getting passes knocked down, he was having to hold on to the ball or have to pull back in on those swings and therefore he did'nt have much of an outlet if those plays did'nt work. Maybe we can come out looking down field early against Tampa and come back to the dumpoffs to Reggie and Deuce a little later.
But the real kicker is we made bad decisions in the Red Zone todaym, guys we had several chances to get scores and we came up empty handed, that has to stop if we are to win in Tampa.

I think this is the one thing I've been banging my head against the wall about.. 3 times in the red zone and zero points.

I can even overlook the defense's struggles... (as someone noted, our offense outscored theirs 22-21).... but the red zone issues have got to be solved... (and it's not just this game, it's something we've had all season..)

from PFW:

21. N.O. 15 7 8 1.000 .467

Prior to today, 15 trips to the Red Zone, less than half are TD's? And today we went 0-3
I don't feel bad loosing this game because the Ravens have talent and have looked better today than any other game I have seen them in this season. Saintman's point about changes at OC I feel are great because people forget when Billick was an OC how good he was. And just like teams having problems not knowing what our coaching staff is going to call on the field, we were in the same boat. But we didn't give up! Things look bad but there is no reason we can't rebound. After all, we are 5-2 and who predicted that!
ahhhh yes, the refreshing we didn't play that bad thread after getting our butts handed to us.

The ifs are great but the ifs are what seperate the good teams from the bad ones. IF the Saints come out next week and look good in a win over Tampa I will feel ok about the loss just like I do now. However, if the Saints come out and lose next week then I will be upset that they are blowing everything they have accomplished.
I still say we have a weak Oline, and playcalling has covered it up for us, we got exploted here...

I fear we may be in trouble...
The only positive I saw from this game is that the team never quit.
Saintman, this time I respecfully disagree. I thought that Baltimore would go back to basics. Pounding the ball with Jammal was the way to go for them. I fully think our coaches knew quiet well what to expect from the ravens at both offense and defense.

I also think that in this game we cleaned up our "karma". Everything that can go wrong went wrong yesterday.

Still, there are great lessons from yesterday:

- I think Coach Payton will learn more about his team. He should trust his offense more. Gadgets plays should not be the method to attack a good defense. You do it with patience. Running the ball and taking what they get you. When it is not enough, you kick.

- Marrone should absorb the film this week. Yesterday's game will be the blueprint on how defenses are going to attack our offense for the rest of the season.

Next game is crucial for the saints, they really need a win against Tampa, specially now that the falcons are hitting their stride.
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Dude we played horrible ball yesterday... when you turn the ball over 3 times in the red zone (I stopped counting after 3... could have been more), you run for 35 yards... and EVERY TIP goes to the Ravens... you give up 2 TDs on offense... and throw in 10 penalties.

I'm not really concerned because that's something new for a Sean Payton team. And if we all know him like we think we do... this will NEVER happen again.

Besides Colston... I was happy to see Beerman back in the mix.
Good points 2884.

From where I stand, we got beaten up pretty badly by a very physical football team with a huge O-line, killer defense, big RB, and good play-calling on their part. If you look at it again, they used the run to set up the pass, and then were able to pretty much do what they wanted. You cannot have tipped balls against a defense like that because that is their bread and butter, and we have to get back to the defense that we saw through the first 4 weeks of the season.

A few positives that I took away from this one:

- We have a head coach who puts this loss on the shoulders of the entire team, mainly himself and the coaching staff. "It starts with me". As a fan, you gotta love that.
- The team never quit. They didn't start fighting with each other, and they still did not resemble the team from past years. Encouraging.
-Although the team never quit, they were visibly UPSET. ANGRY - and I like that. There were no smiles, no playing on the sidelines, even after the late TDs by that beast, Colston, the attitude was like - "we have a lot of work to do." IMO, they are all studying the film closly, and will practice their arses off to remove the bad taste in their mouths by beating the pewter out of the Bucs.
... and EVERY TIP goes to the Ravens...
This was a big deal to me, and the reason I don't really feel the Ravens really dominated the Saints.

Three flukey plays stand out to me that would've made all the difference in the world had they gone the other way:

1) Marques Colston not leaving the ground on Bush's end-zone interception. That was strange to me ... Colston should be able to easily win that jump ball, but he never got off the ground. Did he lose the ball in the lights or something?

2) The tip off of Stecker's shoulder pad that the Ravens took back for six. Stecker makes that catch -- or just knocks it down -- and the TD never happens.

3) Heap's pinball catch. Again, if that ball gets knocked down, the Ravens probably are held to a FG.

Plus, there were a few too many times that a Saint got hands on a Brees pass and didn't come down with it. Some of those balls get caught, and once again ... the results could've been totally different.

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