Is Bush having a hard time adjusting to the NFL? (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2003
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I know this may sound like a controversial question and granted I dont know if it fits his career, but did the Saints make the right decision in getting Reggie Bush last April, did we think his adjustment would be this rough this late into his rookie season, guys I just dont see that burst he had in college with this team. He just looks to be struggling a bit to me, I wonder it he is still a work in progress and needs to be refined.
I just look at Drew Brees and Marques Colston, hell even Deuce has done his fair share with the team somewhat, its just the impact Bush was supposed to make hasnt come yet, and I am wondering if it will come anytime soon?

Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am jumping the gun here, its just I want the man to succeed, and he has in some ways done that, its just been the other rookie that has doen the better job and overall production that we were expecting out of Bush that we got out of him.

and you know what Bush may succeed in doing a good job later on this season, I just hope its sooner then later
Apparently the deal is, they are keying on Bush. This is why everyone else on our team is putting up good stats. When Bush gets the ball, he has 11 guys on him. When he's at receiver, he has 11 guys covering him. When he's on the sideline, so is the defense. This is why our pass protection has been so good, If Bush were playing quarterback, they'd actually rush the passer. He did throw one pass and it was intercepted. That's because they had 5 1/2 guys rushing him and 5 1/2 guys down there to go for the INT.
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It's a combination of teams keying on him, his ankle, and the fact that this OL is not maulers so they do a lot of zone run blocking which requires patience - something he doesn't seem to have right now. Reggie is hyper and wants to make a big play every time he touches the ball. And yes, I still think he's getting drilled that the edge is harder to come by in the NFL, but not impossible - despite NFL speed, we're not sealing off the edges either. We tried twice in the Tampa game (designed runs to the edges) and Stecker whiffed on a block and Karney missed a key block on Simeon Rice. Both resulted in hits in the backfield.

All of this is fortunately fixable and coachable.

If the problem was passion or character, I'd be concerned.
Found this from Fox DVOA ratings:

"Projected record: 10-6 Everybody knows that the Saints have been better running the ball up the middle rather than around the ends this season. But did you know that the defense is also better up the middle? FO's Adjusted Line Yards stats (see here) rank the Saints 29th stopping runs around left end or right end, but fourth stopping runs listed as going behind a guard or up the middle. NEXT: at PIT"

It seems that Bush's tendency to bounce the ball outside might be based upon things he sees in practice everyday that are not there during games on Sunday.
Good points. Maybe in practice the Saint ends and linebackers are not trying to make that big hit on the " Golden Boy ". I see, like others, Reggie is dancing in the hole which is a no-no starting in peewee football. I also think that Reggie and his teammates are trying so hard to do well "for him "that miss assignment are common (ie. left sweep- 2 missed blocks).
1. Reggie is 21 years old. He still hasn't fully matured. He's a true 3 years in college and out. To keep this in perspective: Vince Young also declared early as a junior....but he's 2 years older than Reggie. Reggie's a freak of nature who will within the next couple years catch up in regards of understanding what defenses are doing. At this point, Reggie seems unsure of where defenders are. Through time and trial & error, he'll figure out what defenses are doing and where they're coming from.

2. He's hurting. Anyone who's ever played football knows how hard it is to play with an ankle injury. The bright side is that it seems he's not the type of player to make excuses. He says he's fine and he's playing through it.
Apparently the deal is, they are keying on Bush. This is why everyone else on our team is putting up good stats. When Bush gets the ball, he has 11 guys on him. When he's at receiver, he has 11 guys covering him. When he's on the sideline, so is the defense. This is why our pass protection has been so good, If Bush were playing quarterback, they'd actually rush the passer. He did throw one pass and it was intercepted. That's because they had 5 1/2 guys rushing him and 5 1/2 guys down there to go for the INT.

hahahahahaha :plus-un2:

I wouldn't say Bush is a freak of nature, per se. His body build is rather slim, and he's got awesome speed/change of direction skills.... but freak of nature is overstating his talents. We've seen fast, shifty guys in the NFL - what separates Bush, essentially, is media exposure.
I say give him time. If this time next year the light has not click on for him then start to worry a little. I think for now just enjoy that he is on our team with the possibilty of him having a chance to coming close to reaching the hype we all gave him.
Right selection? Football aside look what he has done for the city. He was a blessing in disguise and gave this city hope!!!!
It's a combination of teams keying on him, his ankle, and the fact that this OL is not maulers so they do a lot of zone run blocking which requires patience - something he doesn't seem to have right now. Reggie is hyper and wants to make a big play every time he touches the ball. And yes, I still think he's getting drilled that the edge is harder to come by in the NFL, but not impossible - despite NFL speed, we're not sealing off the edges either. We tried twice in the Tampa game (designed runs to the edges) and Stecker whiffed on a block and Karney missed a key block on Simeon Rice. Both resulted in hits in the backfield.

All of this is fortunately fixable and coachable.

If the problem was passion or character, I'd be concerned.

Right on the nose FragMaster. I agree 100%.
I remember him running pretty well between the tackles during the preseason. (mostly during the Titans game) Maybe I was just wearing black and gold glasses.
hahahahahaha :plus-un2:

I wouldn't say Bush is a freak of nature, per se. His body build is rather slim, and he's got awesome speed/change of direction skills.... but freak of nature is overstating his talents. We've seen fast, shifty guys in the NFL - what separates Bush, essentially, is media exposure.

Media exposure eh? So, what came first, chicken or the... Watching Bush at USC, the young fella certainly deserved all of the accolades, respect and media attention. Most experts thought that he was the best collegiate player in the draft. Now that he is with the Saints and has had difficulties running ball, you are saying that Reggie is a product of media hype?

I've sat back and read many posts and it appears that some posters are seeking out every Bush thread and repeating the same argument over and over. For the record, he is struggling rushing at tailback for a number of reasons. I wonder; however, why some are quick to harp on this and totally ignore his contributions in the passing game. It's almost like some have forgotten his many key receptions that arguably were the difference between a W and L. He and the offense need to improve the run game. He is not; however, simply an overhyped media creation as you have stated.

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