- Admin
- #286
My feelings, in a perfect world....
Gun Control: A license should be required to carry a concealed weapon. Instant background checks implemented. Felons or persons currently involved in court/police or mental health proceedings should be delayed until completion of said proceedings. That is all.
Gay Marriage: No. Shared benefits should be available to same sex or cohabiting people, and all legal rights of marriage should be allowed for anyone in a committed relationship. But marriage should be protected as a tradition.
Abortion: Limit availability to teaching hospitals. And require adoption counseling prior.
Church and State: Officially separate, but respectful displays should be allowed.
Taxes: National sales tax on everything except staple foods (potatoes, fresh veggies, low end beef and poultry, milk, etc), cars under a reasonable set price, and lower cost necessary clothing items (winter coats, etc).
Foreign Policy: Support NATO; withdraw from the UN unless reforms are enacted.
Education: School choice. Each student accounts for a certain amount of money; the money follows the child.
Trade: Free trade with economic partners that offer us the same courtesy. They issue tariffs on our exports then we issue tariffs on their imports.
Welfare: WIC, unemployment, food stamps are all fine. Limit the time frame for receiving welfare and require job training.
Campaign Finance: No limits on donations with complete transparency.
Death Penalty: In murder and rape/ molestation cases. DNA evidence must be present. Time limit on appeals process.
Social Security: Partially privatize it.
Energy: Nuclear. Only currently cost effective alternative available. Drill our oil supplies, and use more Natural gas, wind, water, and solar where applicable. Continue to use oil, but try to keep it as a part of our energy policy.
Environment: Protect our national parks and recreation areas. Encourage environmental responsibility and energy efficiency.
Immigration: Allow legal immigration. Streamline the process of getting a green card/citizenship.
Civil Liberties: Protect them at all costs.
Health Care: Competition will improve services. Universal health care is not viable. Health insurance is a scam. If we could somehow get back to a fee based service, costs would go down and the level of care would increase. Pipe dream, I know…..
Drug Policy: Decriminalize drugs, and regulate them similar to cigarettes and alcohol.<O></O