I'm happily on drugs
Gum Control: Brushing regularly should be taught to children at an early age.
Gay Mirage: Sometimes a guy will act gay, but he might not be. That's no reason to go up and ask him out on a date.
Abhortion: I realy do hate everything.
Churn and Ate: I made a mistake. I don't hate butter....... delicious freaking butter.
Texas: Bigger is not necessarily better. Country music kills brain cells.
Foreigner Policy: I could handle most all of it up to 4, but when I've Been Waiting came out, that was when I gave up on them.
EdNation: The Broncos will never be the same without Elway.
Tirade: What's the deal with stupid rear window stickers of Calvin urinating on everything from Ford logos to the INS? The cartoon wasn't very funny as it was and got even unfunnier after the 30 millionth sticker I saw of him on the freeway.
Dellaware fair: The most exciting thing to happen there all year. Except for that time Mrs. Johnson's cat got stuck in that tree.
Champagne Finance: I allot a small amount of change for the one time a year I enjoy toasting a bit of the bubbly...... Secretaries Week.
Death Penalty Box: This would make hockey way more interesting.
SoCal Security: I lock my doors at night.
Synergy: If I hear one more stupid buzzword from some do-nothing middle management monkey, I'll rip his head off and punch the severed head until I get him to smile his death smile.
What Ron Meant: Yeah. Even I'm not sure at this point. Something to do with a towel and a photograph of Bill Bixby in the nude.
Lemming Ration: Yeah, like we're running out of them....
Cybil's Beauties:

Healthy Car: Change your oil, moron. That stuff doesn't last forever.
Drugged Politely: I always say please when requesting that Bogart to puff puff pass.
Gay Mirage: Sometimes a guy will act gay, but he might not be. That's no reason to go up and ask him out on a date.
Abhortion: I realy do hate everything.
Churn and Ate: I made a mistake. I don't hate butter....... delicious freaking butter.
Texas: Bigger is not necessarily better. Country music kills brain cells.
Foreigner Policy: I could handle most all of it up to 4, but when I've Been Waiting came out, that was when I gave up on them.
EdNation: The Broncos will never be the same without Elway.
Tirade: What's the deal with stupid rear window stickers of Calvin urinating on everything from Ford logos to the INS? The cartoon wasn't very funny as it was and got even unfunnier after the 30 millionth sticker I saw of him on the freeway.
Dellaware fair: The most exciting thing to happen there all year. Except for that time Mrs. Johnson's cat got stuck in that tree.
Champagne Finance: I allot a small amount of change for the one time a year I enjoy toasting a bit of the bubbly...... Secretaries Week.
Death Penalty Box: This would make hockey way more interesting.
SoCal Security: I lock my doors at night.
Synergy: If I hear one more stupid buzzword from some do-nothing middle management monkey, I'll rip his head off and punch the severed head until I get him to smile his death smile.
What Ron Meant: Yeah. Even I'm not sure at this point. Something to do with a towel and a photograph of Bill Bixby in the nude.
Lemming Ration: Yeah, like we're running out of them....
Cybil's Beauties:

Healthy Car: Change your oil, moron. That stuff doesn't last forever.
Drugged Politely: I always say please when requesting that Bogart to puff puff pass.