Joe's tongue is BLEEDING!! (1 Viewer)

Saint Droopy

Born/Raised in Hollygrove
Gold VIP Contributor
May 29, 2006
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Reppin' N.O. here in DFW
Joe Horn is on WWL radio now... the topic about Joey Porter's comments came up... and if Payton is using it as bulletin board material.

Joe seemed like he was biting his tongue until it bled.. trying to hold back his comments about the matter. He gave the company line in the end... but I know he wanted to go off... it was too funny.
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Joe Horn is on WWL radio now... the topic about Joey Porter's comments came up... and if Payton is using it as bulletin board material.

Joe seemed like he was biting his tongue until it bled.. trying to hold back his comments about the matter. He gave the company line in the end... but I know he wanted to go off... it was too funny.

What did Porter say?
Will Joe actually play?
Did he mention anything about him being spotted playing golf on Sunday?
I hope the Saints light them up Sunday. Joe will have a record day.
Joe Horn is on WWL radio now... the topic about Joey Porter's comments came up... and if Payton is using it as bulletin board material.

Joe seemed like he was biting his tongue until it bled.. trying to hold back his comments about the matter. He gave the company line in the end... but I know he wanted to go off... it was too funny.


I hope joe can play this know he has to be dying to go.
he practiced all day thursday - i bet he dosent want to be out of the lineup the way Brees is throwing the ball
Will Joe actually play?
Did he mention anything about him being spotted playing golf on Sunday?

He said he thinks he will......

Golf: He said he shot a 38 on the front.....and told the guy who got his "fifteen minutes of fame to just shut up".
A friend of mine who lives in BR, said that Joe was gambling it up last Saturday night at the "Treasure Chest". I think that's the name of it. Not Harrah's....
Anyway, if Joe Horn wants to gamble, then Joe Horn can gamble.
Joe Horn can do as Joe Horn wants.......
Hey Joe can you sling me a purple chip.....
I want to beat the Steelers really bad now also......

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