Just for fun...best of class? (1 Viewer)


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Jun 14, 2002
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Which player do you feel will end up being the best of this class for us? Not taking into account which pick and round they were chosen, just the best player at the end of their career.

I’m going to go with Baun, followed by Trautman. I think Baun will be a pro bowl caliber player and Trautman just a notch below that. Cesar will be decent and I don’t think Stevens will last more than a year or two in the league.

What say you all?
I'll go chalk and say Ruiz. He's a beast, seems to have a really good head on his shoulders, and has internal motivation to succeed. He has all of the ingredients to be an absolute stud.

Baun has some yellow flags to me. He's not as good of an athlete as you'd like an early round NFL LB to be and the probable steroid test fail are warning signs, as well as the number of times teams passed on him. Our staff also just doesn't have much success drafting LBs.

Don't know much about Trout Man.
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same Ruiz train
outstanding talent coming into a dominant line is almost certainly a ++

i would LOVE for it to be Baun bc that would be a key piece in the 'shoring up a top 5 D to bridge the Brees transition' process

similarly, trautman is a tougher call bc we don't know how's throwing the ball to him in the next few years
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I hope it’s Baun, but think it will be Ruiz. We still haven’t seen a LB that’s been drafted in the Payton era become a high level consistent contributor. We’ve seen drafted OL flourish a lot tho.
I'll go chalk and say Ruiz. He's a beast, seems to have a really good head on his shoulders, and has internal motivation to succeed. He has all of the ingredients to be an absolute stud.

Baun has some yellow flags to me. He's not as good of an athlete as you'd like an early round NFL LB to be and the probable steroid test fail are warning signs, as well as the number of times teams passed on him. Our staff also just doesn't have much success drafting LBs.

Don't know much about Trout Man.
I hope it’s Baun, but think it will be Ruiz. We still haven’t seen a LB that’s been drafted in the Payton era become a high level consistent contributor. We’ve seen drafted OL flourish a lot tho.
Totally agree that we aren’t great at drafting LB’ers. Hope that starts to change with Baun.
I will go with Ruiz based on how we've simply hit home runs picking OL early in the draft in recent years.
The entire right side of our line is young studs if Warford indeed gets replaced with McCoy soon.
RAM - McCOY - RUIZ - PEAT - ARMSTEAD - w/ Easton, Warford, or some other guy as 6th OL in heavy sets.

If Ruiz does turn out to be our "best-in-class", we'll have the best and deepest OL in the NFL. And we all know that
OL is the hardest position group to find quality starters and depth. We seem to have that covered now.
Ruiz is the key to this question. He really need to be everything the coaches hope he will be because this will be Drew's 3rd center in 3 years to get accustom to. If he can master the position and Drew is comfortable with him then it will be a lock as the best/most productive player they drafted this year. McCoy is a more physical type player (especially run blocking) than Ruiz which will fit well at the guard position.
I’m gonna go with Trautman. I think he’s really talented and will be our starter going into 2021. Even if we don’t have Drew, I think Trautman will be successful here as the starter. I just don’t see a center getting all that much attention. Unless Ruiz makes multiple pro-bowls, the only way he will be considered the best is if the other 3 are busts IMO. I hope Baun ends up being a top 5 defensive player on this team, but I’m not sure he will be a pro-bowl kind of player. Davis couldn’t even make the pro-bowl last year which was insane. And I’m not sure if Tommy Stevens does anything for us at all. Hopefully all 4 are huge contributors and it will come down to who made the most pro-bowls since they all make multiple besides Stevens. Unless he becomes our best player on special teams, I don’t see how he could make a pro-bowl
I will go with Ruiz based on how we've simply hit home runs picking OL early in the draft in recent years.
The entire right side of our line is young studs if Warford indeed gets replaced with McCoy soon.
RAM - McCOY - RUIZ - PEAT - ARMSTEAD - w/ Easton, Warford, or some other guy as 6th OL in heavy sets.

If Ruiz does turn out to be our "best-in-class", we'll have the best and deepest OL in the NFL. And we all know that
OL is the hardest position group to find quality starters and depth. We seem to have that covered now.

We do have a great history at drafting o line. Aside from Rick lol.
I’m going to go with Stevens just because no one else will!
Nothing wrong with being different lol.
IF Ruiz really is as good a game caller as reported, then I'll go with him.

It was pretty sad seeing Minny crash right up the middle to pressure Drew last year.

This is a great point about line calls too and perhaps part of the team's thought process. Your center needs to be on the ball and intelligent, and we know for a fact that McCoy is really really stupid. So perhaps having a smarter player making line calls will help us.

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