Just thinking about this: How blessed are we? (Gayle Benson) (1 Viewer)


Saints' fan 4ever
Gold VIP Contributor
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sad to leave NOLA to AZ; going into ministry
If you could start from scratch with a professional sports franchise and list all the favorable traits you'd like to see in an owner:

* loves the city/region of the fan base
* personable (and intelligent)
* respected by other owners around the league
* has a heart for community service
* lets the GM and coach do their job
* is NOT a media "drama queen"

...and more,

I'm at a loss for ANY area that Gayle Benson doesn't get high marks!

Can anybody out there think of one? :shrug:

Truly thanking the good LORD for the lady who took the baton from Tom Benson. She's the best!

:gosaints:Bensons - Gayle and Tom (USA TODAY).jpg
To be straight up honest, I think having Gayle as the owner may be better than having Tom as the owner. As an example. All the years the Saints held camp at their Metairie training facility, fans baked in the heat! Gayle is owner and her FIRST training camp she thought about the fans by installing endzone to endzone covered bleachers with misting fans! To me right there told me she was not only thinking about the players and the rest of the organization but she also had the fans in her heart and mind. Big props to Gayle! It is the small things that matter. She gets it.
She’s truly born to be our owner.

coukdnt be any more classy, the players LOVE her....and best of all she doesn’t meddle at all, only supports and spreads our name in the positive light.
She is amazing. I saw this the other day and got livid.....what a tool spreading misinformation.


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She is amazing. I saw this the other day and got livid.....what a tool spreading misinformation.

I get the whole foods thing. Its not right. Zion is offering to pay their salaries as a way to give back to the Community. I believe Gayle just donated 1 million for covid-19 victims. Basically, its apples to oranges.

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