LB Logan Wilson, Wyoming (1 Viewer)

Sep 13, 2011
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Bogotá, Colombia - via - Metairie, LA, USA
I have seen a couple places list him as a possible sleeper pick. All I know is what I’ve read, and that doesn’t to say too much. Does anyone know anything about this guy or have an opinion of us drafting him?

I honestly haven’t even heard his name until this week, and those writers have been comparing him to Leighton Vander Eshe (sp?).
I like Wilson a lot and I know that the team likes him a lot. He or Robert Hunt are who I am hoping for in the third round though I would not be surprised to see both land in the second round.
I'm very high on Logan Wilson. My favorite LB in the draft. But he's nowhere near LVE as an athlete.

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