National Take on Payton and New Orleans(link) (1 Viewer)

Oh great, another article that gives everyone an excuse to dump on New Orleans for "playing the victim", by cherry picking the internet comments of the least articulate & cool-headed posters. Now all the idiots can come out of the woodwork and comment on how New Orleans got what it deserved from Katrina, etc.
The author, like EVERY national writer(or radio host) fail(s) to realize that SP never lived in New Orleans. Swing and a miss.
He's criticizing the whole city and all the fans based on a few negative bloggers?! Here is one of his bloggers that commented under his article:

Great article! I lived in New Orleans post Katrina for over a year, and while a great city to visit, it is not a great place to live and call home. New Orleanians had gotten used to living in third world conditions way before Katrina hit and are very proud of their dirty, decaying, cockroach infested, crime ridden city. They see it as an almost cool part of their persona. Plus freezing winters and...(more)

Does he represent you Gregg? As you say at the end of the article: "that's pathetic"
The article has a point.

We are very sensitive people here in Louisiana (at least S.E Louisiana). There's a chip on our shoulder and we act as though there is something to prove.

We suffer through ranking after ranking that shows us at the bottom of some list and after a while it wears on us. We feel like perpetual underdogs.

Sean Payton comes in and literally lifts the spirits of about every person in the state after what was a miserable experience through Katrina. Not too many human beings could have done that. And he did it by turning a once horrible football team, into a Superbowl Champion. We didn't just get to the Super Bowl. We WON it. Huge. We went from talking about roofers, Fema and Insurance Companies to talking about Winning football games. The impact on our psyche is probably immeasurable.

So now we see that the Paytons want to move to Dallas and we take it personally. We're still insecure. The fact of the matter is that it's not personal at all... To us. It's personal to THEM. We have to respect it to the degree that it does not affect the ability of Sean Payton to coach our beloved Saints. If he fails in that capacity, I have no doubt, we'll be happy to ship him off to Dallas or Cleveland or whoever will have him. Buffalo?

But at some point we have to feel secure about our place. We have to know that this is a cherished spot on the map and not get so worked up over others opinions of us or a coach's family moving to another place.

They don't want to live here? Fine. Don't live here. I will and I'll enjoy it. I'm sure at some point, there'll be things they miss about our state and they're welcome to come back and visit. I'm sure they will. And I hope they do.

I don't hold a grudge on these folks. They have some issues to work out as a family and it's not my business. I can't let let my petty insecurity take it the wrong way. I have to know that Louisiana isn't for everyone and that's okay. Dallas sure ain't for everyone as we all know.

There's more to this whole thing than we know. Look beyond the headlines. Take a deep breath and let the picture unfold. In the meantime, just be thankful for what Payton's done. Wish him well and look forward to more wins.
What sympathy for New Orleans is what I want to know. From the beginning the city has been dumped on and told we did not deserve the help. It was one of my biggest disappointment from the storm. I don't feel the same way towards my own country anymore because of it. So much for "E plurimus unum".
Give us (Saints fans) some time......this came out of the blue. It was handled horribly by the organization. Had they even hinted this was a possibility then there wouldn't have been such an uproar. No, the story was basically broken here by a poster just passing along info that proved to be true.

Of course people were going to think the worse. We fans have a 43 year history (minus 2009) of Murphy's Law when it comes to the team we love. All the pieces are finally in place - we have a competent GM/FO, great scouting staff, ballsy Head Coach, tough DC, HoF QB, and a Lombardi Trophy. We don't want the boat rocked and completely out of the blue an internet rumor about our Head Coach moving to a bitter rival team's city proves true? And people are judging us on our reaction after just a few days?

Give us time to digest this before calling us chicken littles. We (including our critics) need to see if this works before passing judgment .
Saying Gregg Doyle is the "national take" on anything is like saying Swimmer is the "Saints Report take" on the Saints. :hihi:
The author has a point. And he also used a considerable portion of his article responding to Message Board Guy. :blink1:
I'm just upset that he referred to a poster (KewlBrees) on another forum...

As if there is another forum

That aside I pretty much agree with some of the thing in the article.
Why is everyone in such a tizzy about this? Most of the players don't live in the city, so why are we so upset that the coach doesn't? I think it makes us fans feel better to have Drew Brees live in the city, but I don't think it affects his play one way or the other. Not to dump on New Orleans, but maybe it doesn't offer the same amenities that Payton's family requires. :idunno:
Not once in the last 5 years have I actually heard anyone from this area asking pity from others. The only people who even mention Katrina anymore are fans from other cities and outsiders. Most everyone here that went through the disaster kept our mouths shut and our boots on the ground.

I could care less where anyone on the team resides as long as they continue to entertain me and the loyal fans who have endeared the many years of shortcomings.

Bless SP and his family and any of these outsiders with the wrong impression can K.M.A.

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