New Star Wars series The Acolyte (3 Viewers)

I see the discourse surrounding this show after airing is not surprising for modern Starwars shows and movies. I wouldn't expect any less.
I see the discourse surrounding this show after airing is not surprising for modern Starwars shows and movies. I wouldn't expect any less.

Its exhausting.

The level of toxicity around the franchise has actually driven me away from Star Wars almost completely. It's not fun anymore.
I guess it’s not a requirement to know anything about the franchise that you are representing…

Either his acting or his character sucks too.
Or both.

Hayden Christensen got berated for "wooden" acting. This guy makes Hayden look like Captain Enthusiasm.
I see the discourse surrounding this show after airing is not surprising for modern Starwars shows and movies. I wouldn't expect any less.
My entryway is my kids - if they like it, that’s good for me
I do listen to 2 Ringer shows that cover genre as well as occasionally watch NewRockstars on YouTube
They range from ‘balanced’ to positive but it’s mostly informational ‘such and such a character was first seen in the blah blah comic…’
I avoid as much Disney toxic takes as possible
Its exhausting.

The level of toxicity around the franchise has actually driven me away from Star Wars almost completely. It's not fun anymore.
It is beyond exhausting but I refuse to let that toxicity from those haters to ruin my fun. I think The Acolyte has set up a true Star Wars mystery that has a setting outside the Skywalker bubble. I'm truly interested in seeing how this show will play out and all the haters were already hell bent on :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: on the show no matter what.
Its exhausting.

The level of toxicity around the franchise has actually driven me away from Star Wars almost completely. It's not fun anymore.
The best way is not to read any critiques, especially on public forums, and just watch a show and decide for yourself if you like it. That way nothing is spoiled by all that toxicity because you never have to deal with it.

Why should I care even remotely if some Star Wars geek I've never met did or didn't like a show? I truly could not care less what anyone else thinks. I judge things for myself, whether it's movies, music, tv shows, live performances, speeches, or whatever. I don't need some "expert" (and especially not some fan-boy) to tell me how good or bad something was, nor to hear their (more than likely agenda-driven) spin on "what it meant."
The best way is not to read any critiques, especially on public forums, and just watch a show and decide for yourself if you like it. That way nothing is spoiled by all that toxicity because you never have to deal with it.

Why should I care even remotely if some Star Wars geek I've never met did or didn't like a show? I truly could not care less what anyone else thinks. I judge things for myself, whether it's movies, music, tv shows, live performances, speeches, or whatever. I don't need some "expert" (and especially not some fan-boy) to tell me how good or bad something was, nor to hear their (more than likely agenda-driven) spin on "what it meant."
Yep. I only really read here, even if ya'll don't like something it's not for stupid internet reasons. I can get a different point of view from a disagreement, not so much on "oh no women!"
As somebody who read the New Republic comics I was looking forward to this series. Was a bit let down on the production quality of some aspects though, seeing as this had nearly double the budget of the Obi-Wan series. I really enjoyed the opening fight scene but was very disappointed to see them kill off what I thought was going to be a major character based on the trailers, my hopes is that Moss is featured in many flashbacks in the coming episodes. Also, not much of a spoiler, but the fake beard on the meditating Jedi in episode two was laughable, not to mention flickering flames in the vacuum of space in the first episode.
Ignore the toxicity and just enjoy the shows? It's what I do anyway. :9:
Sun as much as anyone has deep lore knowledge (that we all benefit from reading)
That knowledge can only come from deep dives into the content and adjacent discussions and at this point those arenas seem awash in the toxicity
Like I’d shared I listen to House of R/Ringer podcast- and occasionally watch NewRockstars/Eric Voss
They’re my buffers , but I know that they have to wade through the toxic muck as they deep dive into the material

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