New Star Wars series The Acolyte (5 Viewers)

As somebody who read the New Republic comics I was looking forward to this series. Was a bit let down on the production quality of some aspects though, seeing as this had nearly double the budget of the Obi-Wan series. I really enjoyed the opening fight scene but was very disappointed to see them kill off what I thought was going to be a major character based on the trailers, my hopes is that Moss is featured in many flashbacks in the coming episodes. Also, not much of a spoiler, but the fake beard on the meditating Jedi in episode two was laughable, not to mention flickering flames in the vacuum of space in the first episode.
Eh, flickering flames in space is classic Star Wars science. I mean, I noticed it and said to myself, this is now officially a Star Wars series. Lol.

I didn't even notice the fake beard. So...:shrug:.
Sun as much as anyone has deep lore knowledge (that we all benefit from reading)
That knowledge can only come from deep dives into the content and adjacent discussions and at this point those arenas seem awash in the toxicity
Like I’d shared I listen to House of R/Ringer podcast- and occasionally watch NewRockstars/Eric Voss
They’re my buffers , but I know that they have to wade through the toxic muck as they deep dive into the material
That makes sense, but if all of that is affecting the ability to actually enjoy the shows, I'd rather avoid the toxicity that is spoiling my enjoyment.

I love Sun's takes because his insight and big picture summaries actually helps me see things, not only about the shows and movies, but the back stories and the perspectives of the directors and direction of the overall franchise.

I do hate the dumb misogynistic and racist keyboard warriors out there, but I try to avoid those places that allow that crap to fester. Which is partly why the bulk of SW and Disney discussions here. We have one token guy here who likes to see the world burn, but thankfully he's been kinda quiet lately.
I think it bears mentioning that while almost all of us hold Andor as the gold standard (rightly so), it really wasn’t until about the 4th episode that it really caught a gear and became a favorite

We should let these shows breathe
Agreed. And I actually liked the first 2 episodes. They're setting the stage and very often it just takes some time to build into a payoff. I like it so far. It feels like a SW show to me.
That makes sense, but if all of that is affecting the ability to actually enjoy the shows, I'd rather avoid the toxicity that is spoiling my enjoyment.
But we have our own version here
During the nfl season most of us - while saints fans- tend to spend most time on EE
I think most of us would like to be able to discuss Xs&Os more on the SSF but too often it becomes near impossible to have a discussion
Most of us still try, but it’s hard to not get sucked into the toxicity
Interesting and entertaining. I'll watch but I'm not as excited about it as the other shows. What I really want to see is the Sith Wars, and maybe the beginning of the Jedi Order.
+1. I was expecting more Sith/dark side, and I am getting way too much Jedi. And the twin angle, meh.
I think it bears mentioning that while almost all of us hold Andor as the gold standard (rightly so), it really wasn’t until about the 4th episode that it really caught a gear and became a favorite

We should let these shows breathe
I was hooked from the moment Andor wasted that dude in the alley.
I doubt they dip too much into prequel/clone lore but this list got me excited for the possibility of an appearance by The Bendu
And he would make sense for the story line but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t

I doubt they dip too much into prequel/clone lore but this list got me excited for the possibility of an appearance by The Bendu
And he would make sense for the story line but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t

I don't see that link actually leading to anything that states ideas on the matter.
However, going by the time frame given at the beginning of the fist episode (approximately 100 years before the events of Episode 1), Yoda most certainly is alive during this story, but I don't know if he'll appear in it. The Bendu would be as well, but as this story doesn't come from Filoni/Favreau, I doubt the writer even thought of The Bendu.
I can't really think of any other characters from any of the Star Wars films/series that I know have lifespans long enough to be alive during this story, but there are some characters where I have no idea of their race's lifespans (and not sure such has ever been mentioned about them).
I don't see that link actually leading to anything that states ideas on the matter.
However, going by the time frame given at the beginning of the fist episode (approximately 100 years before the events of Episode 1), Yoda most certainly is alive during this story, but I don't know if he'll appear in it. The Bendu would be as well, but as this story doesn't come from Filoni/Favreau, I doubt the writer even thought of The Bendu.
I can't really think of any other characters from any of the Star Wars films/series that I know have lifespans long enough to be alive during this story, but there are some characters where I have no idea of their race's lifespans (and not sure such has ever been mentioned about them).
Chewie was probably a teenager.
Oh boy, the neckbeard 'fanbois' are going to be up in arms about how the twins were conceived b/c you know, it's pride month...

Yeah, I bumped along thru eps 1 and 2 but now I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of new Star Wars content until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

Whew boy.
Yeah, I bumped along thru eps 1 and 2 but now I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of new Star Wars content until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

Whew boy.
Aside from some wobbly acing by the twins, the story was sharp af
(I also have a feeling that the last few scenes went through some last minute edits)

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