Boo Boo Bear
If this should be under the Business Board, sorry, feel free to move it.
My gf and I are eyeballing a pizza jernt for sale. At this point, we don't know where it is so we can't camp out and see the traffic. Ultimately, a good pizza jernt always does well (with good management of course) and this one is cheap enough for us to afford at $95,000.
I am wondering if there is anyone around that has a pizza jernt or is very knowledgable about the biz. The good the bad and the ugly is what I am looking for. What should we look at when we inspect the place? Obviously location, location, location is key, but anywhere in NYC is a good location practically. Parking is practically non essential too given the area. Many other variable, I'm sure, but I'll start with this.
Thanks in advance.
My gf and I are eyeballing a pizza jernt for sale. At this point, we don't know where it is so we can't camp out and see the traffic. Ultimately, a good pizza jernt always does well (with good management of course) and this one is cheap enough for us to afford at $95,000.
I am wondering if there is anyone around that has a pizza jernt or is very knowledgable about the biz. The good the bad and the ugly is what I am looking for. What should we look at when we inspect the place? Obviously location, location, location is key, but anywhere in NYC is a good location practically. Parking is practically non essential too given the area. Many other variable, I'm sure, but I'll start with this.
Thanks in advance.