Pennsylvania grand jury report on Catholic priests' alleged sexual abuses. (1 Viewer)


uh yu ka t'ann
VIP Contributor
Dec 23, 2011
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According to news sources, the report details alleged sexual abuse accusations against 300+ "predator priests", as they call them. And this is just in Pennsylvania.

Catholic Church Covered Up Child Sex Abuse in Pennsylvania for Decades, Grand Jury Says

Bishops and other leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania covered up child sexual abuse by hundreds of priests over a period of 70 years, persuading victims not to report the abuse and police officers not to investigate it, according to a report issued by a grand jury on Tuesday. The report, which said there were more than 1,000 identifiable victims and covered six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses, is the broadest examination yet by a government agency in the United States of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

I changed the title from Catholic Church's to Catholic priests... but given the magnitude and the continuous cover-up and denials by church leaders, I probably should've left it as it was.
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my word.

They operated with impunity under the veil of the protection of "he wouldnt do this because he is a man of God".

they should all be tried and if convicted, sentenced accordingly . Furthermore, they should ALL have to write a letter to the population that they worked in the worlds oldest and largest pyramid scheme.
A huge percentage of the worldwide catholic clergy are pedophiles who are often also rapists.

It's true whether you like it or not.

the "But what about the GOOD priests???" posts we'll see in this thread are as inevitable as they are useless.
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A huge percentage of the worldwide catholic clergy are pedophiles who are often also rapists.

It's true whether you like it or not.

the "But what about the GOOD priests???" we'll see in this thread are inevitable as they are useless.

This. I have a wonderful joke for this but it severely violates the TOS. My wife was raised Catholic, she and all my Catholic friends love and hate the joke at the same time.
And I’m not making this political, in the context of men in power, I’ve always heard stories that a large number of Senators are similar to Catholic priests.

I couldn’t help myself and have posted the Catholic priest joke in the BTL forum. ?
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If you did that Bob who would you have left to confess your sins to? And how would you know the exact number of Hail Marys that would be needed to cleanse your sin and soul?

I'd confess to the ones not doing that sheet
I think this, along with what happened to USA gymnastics, Penn State, Married people, step parents, etc...

We have a major child abuse problem in this country. It's not just one area. It's everywhere.

The real problem is institutions not being transparent and covering it up. I know the Church is all about forgiveness, and I"m sure when they do know about these cases, many of those priests were abused themselves, so they are fulfilling the common pattern of abuse. The church would rather they seek help, get treatment, relocate, etc. While some of that is good and all, it's also a pattern of being an enabler, just like anyone who's known someone struggling with drug addiction.. they usually have a loved one (often a parent) who is an enabler, or at the least down plays the seriousness of the situation.
Look at the history of Mental Health in this country and you'll find that many of the Doctors "helping patients" were really abusing tens of thousands... mutilation, torture, psycho torture, abuse, sexual abuse, sexual deviancy.

I believe some early practitioners were also serial child abusers as well.

We have a long history of preying on the weak.
Look at the history of Mental Health in this country and you'll find that many of the Doctors "helping patients" were really abusing tens of thousands... mutilation, torture, psycho torture, abuse, sexual abuse, sexual deviancy.

I believe some early practitioners were also serial child abusers as well.

We have a long history of preying on the weak.

and much of this abuse comes from people we have decided were noble and trustworthy by the nature of their occupation....this isn't an accident...these people are looking to have easier access to victims and being a doctor or a priest is certainly a way to get there
and much of this abuse comes from people we have decided were noble and trustworthy by the nature of their occupation....this isn't an accident...these people are looking to have easier access to victims and being a doctor or a priest is certainly a way to get there

Yup. And teachers, youth coaches, parents, step parents, uncles, aunts...

I think the problem is that it's so pervasive, that we need to take a bigger look at what is going on.

It's like, figuratively speaking, humanity is a bunch of walking hard ons looking for anything that's moving.

And, there are a lot of people who just like to hurt others. It's an ugly thing, and there is just too much of it.

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