Poverty Tourism (1 Viewer)

Optimus Prime

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Jul 18, 1998
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I had no idea this was a thing

Some language

Seems awful that some go around gawking at people they thank their lucky stars they aren’t

They used the term human safari - that fits
I don't know how much, if any, truth there is to this.

In fact, once I saw it was Jim Jeffries I stopped watching.

Jeffries is a dishonest, unethical hack. If it fits the narrative he wants to present, he will splice up an interview to make his subjects appear to have said the exact opposite of what the person actually said.

Taking the answer to one question, and then presenting it as though the person was responding to another is pretty disgusting.

It's a shame because I used to really enjoy his stand up.
From National Geographic

......Slum tourism sparks considerable debate around an uncomfortable moral dilemma. No matter what you call it—slum tours, reality tours, adventure tourism, poverty tourism—many consider the practice little more than slack-jawed privileged people gawking at those less fortunate. Others argue they raise awareness and provide numerous examples of giving back to the local communities. Should tourists simply keep their eyes shut?...............

....."This was strange. I used to see families from Europe and the United States flying to Mombasa to enjoy our oceans and beaches," says Awino, who is now a housewife - her husband, a truck driver, provides for the family.

"Seeing the same tourists manoeuvring this dusty neighbourhood to see how we survive was shocking," she adds.

Awino recalls one incident a few months ago when a group of tourists approached her, with one of them trying to take a picture of her.
"I felt like an object," she says. "I wanted to yell at them, but I was afraid of the tour guides accompanying them". ................

is this much different than the disaster tours that used to go through the Lower 9?
i'd be there setting up for a performance or doing cleanup and rows of buses would just stream through
the passengers would gawk at the few denizens around - they would get out and some would pickup some token (an old trophy, a coffee cup piece) and tuck it away like it was some archaeological artifact (which i guess it was)

and i actually didn't blame the people too much, i think just having the buses available makes it seem like it is all sanctioned somehow
forking disgusting
My wife is Latin so when we took a cruise we had an awesome time getting off the beaten paths in Belize and Cozumel
I could eat the ceviche we had in a little seedy place every day and never get tired of it. Some of the best food i have ever eaten
This regularly happens in Alabama anytime there is a confirmed tornado touchdown. Every redneck within 100 square miles drives to the scene to 'help' - with their phones out, documenting their 'help'.

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